LEVEL: Volume of the synthesized signal.
BLEND: Volume of the clean signal that is added in parallel with the effect.
WAVE: Select one of the five synthesized waveforms, or the Digital Input:
- Triangle
- Square
- "M" wave
- Sawtooth
- Inverted sawtooth
Each waveform contains a series of filters and LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) parameters that can be modified and saved in PROG mode.
- Digital Input: in this position the synth is disabled and the 8-bit digitized input signal sounds. From here you can enter the PROG mode (for sound programming), by tapping on the CONTROL button.
For optimal operation, position the knob to the center of the desired position.
ALIASING: Reduction of the sampling frequency of the digital/analog conversion. It causes ghost frequencies to appear in the sound, creating weird harmonics and subharmonics of digital destruction.
OCTAVE: Select the octave of the synthesized signal from these four options:
- Down: Suboctave. One octave below the note.
- 4th: Fourth (5 semitones below the note). Alternatively, this position selects the combination of octaves.
- Uni: Unison (same octave as the original sound)
- Up: One octave up
This control is active only when one of the synthesized waveforms is selected. For optimal operation, position the knob to the center of the desired mode.
RELEASE: side trimpot that controls the release time of the synth. It will continue to sound at a descending volume with the last detected note, for the indicated time.
TRUE BYPASS: Turns the effect on and off. The True Bypass switch allows your sound to remain intact when the effect is off.
CONTROL: multifunction optical switch, which allows you to control the filters and modulations, and access the different modes. It has two forms of action:
TAP (a quick press-and-release button action) enters the synth's FREEZE mode, or enters PROG mode.
Using PRESS (keeping the button pressed) modulates the filter or LFO that corresponds to the selected waveform. In PROG mode, enables alternate functions on the knobs.
LED: bicolor indicator of functions, whose meaning varies depending on the context.